
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The best lubricant for intimate intercourse and the way to use sexual lubricant

The best lubricant for intimate intercourse

Sexual intercourse can be painful and destroys vaginal lining. Your body may produce fewer oils as a result of hormonal changes, menopause, aging, or medications, so the use of sexual lubricants may come from here. The best intestinal glide you can choose and the way to use a sexual lubricant.

What are the advantages of using an intimate slider?
Sexual lubricants can help promote arousal and enhance sexual pleasure, keep the vaginal skin soft, and most importantly reduce friction and pain during penetration.

Benefits of sexual lubricants
If you deal with vaginal dryness, lubricants or lubricants may be particularly helpful. The use of lubricants before sexual activity can help prevent itching, burning, tingling and other discomfort.

Sexual lubricants are especially useful for some people, because of some cases they go through such as:

Take some medications, including antihistamines and antidepressants.
 Suffering in getting enough water and keeping the body moisturized on a daily basis.
The use of hormonal contraceptives.
Smoking cigarettes. Breastfeeding.
In the pre-period of menopause or menopause.
An autoimmune disorder such as Schugren's syndrome.
Subject to chemotherapy.

In general some sex lubricants are designed to enhance sexual function and excitement, and if you want to experience something new, these articles can be a good way to renew pleasure in a relationship with your partner.

Types of sexual lubricants
There are different types of sexual lubricants to suit different needs, it is quite normal if you prefer one to the rest, or if you want to change things as the case.

Water slide
It is the most common type. It comes with or without glycerol. Both types are water dependent. Water lubricants are relatively cheap and relatively clogged, but glycerol-free products are less likely to cause vaginal irritation and have longer shelf life.

But some of these liqueurs contain flavors that dry quickly because of sugar, as well as contribute to fungal infection. Glycerin-free products may have a bitter taste that affects oral sex, and both may become sticky over time.

Silicone Gliders Silicone lubricants are odorless and tasteless, slippery and smooth, and silicone lubricants last longer than other lubricants, and do not need to be re-placed too often, such as a water slide. They are safe to use with condoms, and if you are in a mood for a steam bath session, you will still be under water.

But despite the long life of these silicon lasers, they need some effort to remove the residues.

An intimate lubricant based on oils (oil lubricants)
There are two lubricants based on oils:

Natural oil lubricants (such as coconut oil or butter).
Synthetic oil lubricants (such as mineral oils or petroleum jelly).

Generally, oil shampoos are safe to use, inexpensive, and easily accessible, but if possible, first choose a water lubricant that can cause oils to irritate the skin and stains.

But both natural and industrial lubricants can destroy condoms, cause condom failure during intimacy and stain on fabrics. Artificial products also irritate the vagina and are harder to remove from your body than normal counterparts. This can lead to vaginal infection.

Natural lubricant for intercourse
Most natural sex lubricants are free of parabens that have common health risks, and use organic and plant materials that are safer for the environment and for use.

But natural oil shampers may have shorter shelf life, and may cost more than traditional oil shingles.
The best lubricant for intimate intercourse

An important chore when selecting an intimate glider
If your problem with dehydration may not help lubricants containing glycerin and can dry quickly, here long-term silicone lubricants may be the best option.
In the case of fungal infection or the possibility, it is best to stay away from glycerin lasers, where the compound can irritate the vagina and kill the good bacteria, causing infection.
If the condom is to be used, you must stay away from the oily species as they destroy the condoms.
In the case of water, it is preferable to use silicone-made species to stay longer.

Also watch out
Although oil shampoos are safe to use, they can make most condoms ineffective and may also cause vaginal irritation. You should also reduce the use of flavored or scented sexual lubricants. These chemicals may cause irritation.

Some ingredients in the sexual lubricant may cause inflammation or irritation, and should be avoided by people with allergies. These include:

Propylene glycol
Chlorhexidine gluconate

How to use a sexual lubricant
There is actually no "right" or "wrong" way to use sexual lubrication effectively, but there are some things you can do to facilitate the process:

Place a towel to prevent staining and stains.
Warm up the type you will use in your hands before use.
Put the refreshments before the relationship directly.
Place the appropriate amount that is sufficient to moisten the vagina or penis well.
You can reuse it when needed.

Side effects of intestinal lubricant use
If you have any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor because they may be a sign of allergies:
Breathing difficulty.
There is a special swelling in the tongue, throat or face.

Are sexual lubricants the same as vaginal moisturizers?
Vaginal moisturizers can help prevent general itching and irritation, but they do not provide enough moisture to prevent discomfort during penetration. This is because moisturizers, unlike the lubricants, are absorbed into the skin and therefore need to be used regularly to relieve dehydration.

Consult your doctor if you find yourself more susceptible to vaginal fungal infections if you make the lubricants part of your routine.

We hope you enjoy reading..^_^

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