
Friday, March 15, 2019

5 of the most prominent problems of adolescence .. The best solutions proposed!

5 of the most prominent problems of adolescenc

In addition to the physical changes in puberty, adolescents experience cognitive and behavioral changes and seek greater independence, which is contrary to the parents' desire, so adolescence is not without problems. In this article we try to highlight the most important problems of adolescence and solutions Proposed.

5 of the most prominent problems of adolescence and the best solutions proposed!
Certainly we can not give you all the problems of adolescence in one article, but we will try to highlight some of these problems and offer some suggested solutions.

Certainly educating a young child is not an easy task for parents. It is known that there is a problem in communicating between adolescents and parents. But knowing the problems that your teenager can face early can help you explore them early and plan for treatment from the start.

1 - the tendency of adolescents to reduce the respect of parents
You may notice that a child in adolescence shows disrespect for parents and ridicules their suggestions. It is true that it is difficult for parents to accept this, but you must realize that part of adolescence is about separation and discrimination. Many children need to be independent from their parents to find Their own identities, and adolescents focus more on their friends than on their families. This is also normal.

suggested solutions :
Although the psychological effect of this behavior on parents, but parents must remain calm, try to overcome the stage of rebellion in adolescence, which usually pass when the child reaches 16 or 17 years old.

But experts caution that the teenager should not be allowed to break the rules of public behavior or verbal abuse of parents. The teenager should be warned that "if you can not say something nice, nothing is said at all."

You must also confirm to your teen that you are there all the time for him even if he refuses to do so. As time goes on, trust will be built between you and him.

2 - the problem of addiction to electronic devices
Ironically, teenage forms of communication, such as instant messaging, text messaging and mobile phone conversations, make people in the real world less communicative with others, and with parents too.
However, banning the use of all electronic devices is unrealistic, because connecting a teenager with his friends is crucial for most teenagers.

suggested solutions :
If your child is doing well in school and performing his duties at home and is not completely separated from family life, it is best not to deprive him of his electronic devices, but some rules can be set up such as:
Specify a specific time for them.

Do not worry about these devices while eating.
Stop using these devices at least 1 hour before bedtime.

Do your best to monitor what your child is doing when he or she is connected to the Internet, especially social networking sites, check Internet controls and parental controls to monitor the use of any suspicious sites.

3 - Delay from the date of return home
The delay in leaving and on the date of return to the home determined by the parents of the problems of repeated adolescence.

suggested solutions :
Before you make a date for your teenager to return home, make some effort to find out when your friends and colleagues will come back so that the difference is not great.
You can show some flexibility and give the teenager a grace period of 10 minutes, but if it's too late it's time to set the consequences like not going out for a week .

And do not forget the importance of communication and talk with the teenager about the reasons for delay on the date of return home.

4 - Friends do not like their behavior
You can not prevent a teenager from making friends, you can not control the personalities of his friends, you may not like the behavior of some of them and certainly this is a recurring problem.

suggested solutions :
Do not try to criticize your teen's friends at all. Teens are so close to their friends that they feel that criticizing them is a personal criticism of them.

If you know that your child is authenticating people with problems such as school delays, cigarettes or other behavioral anomalies, the best thing to do is to intervene, criticize the problem and talk about their risks with your child. Do not hesitate to ask for specialized help to find out how best to protect your child in that case. .

5 - mood disorders and exaggeration of emotions
You may notice that everything becomes a problem and causes distress and sadness for your teenage son. Whenever you try to help him get angry and refuse to help, do not worry, exaggerating feelings is one of the most important features of adolescence.

suggested solutions :
Parents tend to underestimate the importance of things in teenagers' lives. Teenagers feel misunderstood, and eventually they will stop telling parents about anything, so you have to take care of your teenager, no matter how seriously.

Do not give advice or underestimate the teenager, try to position yourself and understand his feelings at the moment.

In the end and after your knowledge of 5 of the most prominent teenage problems and suggested solutions, if you have more questions or inquiries, you can consult us.

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