
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Alzheimer 's disease

Alzheimer 's disease

Is a brain disease that develops slowly and characterized by memory loss and loss of ability to plan, use language, cognition and logic.

Symptoms begin gradually and develop slowly and include:
Memory problems: Family members may consider a normal part of the aging process.
Minor personality changes: isolation from social life and slow assimilation.
Problems of thinking and mental functions such as finding it difficult to understand what the patient is reading, or arranging daily work.
Behavior Disorder: Neuropathy and irritability.
Loss of ability to perceive time and space.
Later the patient becomes unable to participate in the conversations, Sharda.
In the latter stages, the patient may lose the ability to control urine and stool output and the ability to take care of himself altogether.

the reasons
Many scholars believe that its causes are due to:
Increase the production or accumulation of some beta-amyloid protein in the brain. Death of brain cells caused by the accumulation of these proteins.

Risk factors
The main factor is age: the proportion of those who develop the disease after the age of (65) is 10%, while the proportion of 50% of those who exceeded (85).
Genetic factors: Approximately 2-5% of those who develop the disease at an early age (40-50 years) have at least half inherited a genetic disorder associated with Alzheimer's disease.
High blood lipids.
Down Syndrome.
Previous head injury.
Lack of adequate education (less than 8 years)

Inability to express and communicate with others The patient loses the ability to express the feeling of pain and delay the diagnosis of certain diseases. Some physiological functions are affected, such as swallowing, the incidence of certain diseases such as pneumonia to enter food and fluids in the airway. Injuries resulting from falls.

There are no specific analyzes showing the disease and the diagnosis is based on the following points:

The person has a marked decrease in mental ability consistent with the definition of dementia. The course of the disease is consistent with the known course of Alzheimer's disease.

There are no other diseases that the patient suffers from.

the cure:
Treatment is divided into pharmacological treatment and non-drug therapy both used to reduce symptoms and can not reduce the progression of the disease.
Pharmacotherapy: Works on enzymes that break down neurotransmitters in the brain.
Non-pharmacological treatment: engaging in social activities, participating in singing and mental rehabilitation.
Treatment of symptoms: anxiety and sleep disorders.

Prevention There are no specific procedures to prevent infection.

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