
Friday, March 22, 2019

Biofeedback What is it? What is its importance?


Biofeedback is one technique that can be used to learn how to control body functions, such as heart rate. By biofeedback, you are connected to electrical sensors that help you get information about your body.

This information helps to focus on making small changes in the body, such as relaxation of specific muscles, to achieve the results you want, such as reducing pain. Essentially, biofeedback gives the ability to use ideas to control the body, often to improve health or physical performance.

The wizard may use several different methods of recovery techniques. Identifying the right method for you depends on your health problems and goals. Recovery methods include:

Brain waves

This type of technique uses scalp sensors to monitor brain waves using EEG.


During respiratory biofeedback, ribbons around the abdomen and chest are placed to monitor breathing pattern and respiration rate.

Heart rate

This type of reflex uses finger or ear lobe sensors, with a device called a scaling scanner or sensors placed on the chest, bottom of the trunk or wrist using an electrocardiograph (ECG) to measure heart rate and changeability.


This method involves placing sensors above skeletal muscles with EMG, to monitor the electrical activity that causes muscle contraction.

The sweat glands

Measure the sensors around the fingers or wrist or wrist using the EDG, the activity of the sweat glands and the amount of sweat on the skin, which alerts you to anxiety.


Sensors placed around the fingers or feet measure blood flow to the skin. Because the temperature is often reduced when under pressure, low reading may induce relaxation techniques.

You can get recovery training in physiotherapy clinics, medical centers and hospitals. An increasing number of hardware and software are being marketed for home use, including:

Software programs or interactive mobile devices

Some types of reactive devices measure physiological changes in the body, such as heart rate activity and skin changes, using one or more sensors connected to the fingers or ear. The sensors are connected to the computer.

Devices can help regulate tension by regulating breathing, relaxing muscles and thinking positive thoughts, using graphics and tags on the computer screen. Studies indicate that these types of devices can be effective in improving responses during stressful moments, and in stimulating calm and wellness.

Another type of reaction therapy involves wearing a head band that monitors brain activity during thinking. Sounds are used to tell you when your mind is calm and when it is active, to help you learn how to control stress response. The information can then be stored from every session on your computer or mobile device.

Wearable devices

There is a type of wearable device that includes wearing a sensor on the waist, watching the breath and tracking breathing patterns using a downloadable application. The application can alert you if you are experiencing constant tension, and it provides breathing activities to help restore your calm.

The Food and Drug Administration approved a resperate device to reduce stress and reduce blood pressure. It is a portable electronic device that promotes slow and deep breathing. However, many of the biofeedback devices marketed for domestic use are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Before you try a home-based reflux treatment, discuss the different types of devices with your doctor to choose the most appropriate ones.

You should be aware that some products may be marketed incorrectly as biofeedback, not all reputable reputable practitioners. If a manufacturer or practitioner claims that the device can assess organs for diseases, find blood impurities, cure your condition or send signals to your body, consult your doctor before using it, as this may not be legitimate.

What is the need for biofeedback?
Biofeedback, sometimes called biofeedback training, is used to help manage many physical and mental health problems, including:

Anxiety or tension.
Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Side effects of chemotherapy.
Chronic pain.
Fecal incontinence.
Irritable bowel syndrome.
Motion sickness.
Renod's disease.
Ring in the ears (Buzz).
brain attack.
Temporal temporal joint disorder (TMJ).
Biofeedback is accepted by people for a variety of reasons:

Being harmless and non-invasive.
May reduce or eliminate the need for medicines.
It may be a treatment alternative for those who can not afford the medication
It may be an option when medication is not properly used ..
May be a substitute for medications to treat some cases during pregnancy.
Helps people take responsibility for taking care of their health.

Risks of biofeedback
Biofeedback is generally safe. Biological feedback may not be appropriate for all. Make sure to discuss it with your doctor first.

What can you do to prepare?
You do not need special preparation for biofeedback. To find the biofeedback therapist, ask your doctor or other healthcare professional who has knowledge of biofeedback to recommend a person with experience in treating your condition. Many biofeedback therapists are licensed in another area of ​​health care, such as nursing or physiotherapy, and may work under the supervision of a doctor.

The laws governing the functioning of biofeedback practitioners vary. Some biofeedback practitioners choose to become accredited to demonstrate their additional training and experience in this practice. Ask a potential biofeedback specialist before starting treatment with questions such as:

Are you licensed, certified, or registered?
What is your training and experience?
Do you have experience in providing biofeedback techniques for my situation?
How many biofeedback sessions do you think I'll need?
Can you provide a list of references?
Biofeedback expectations
During the session
During the biofeedback session, the processor connects electrical sensors to different parts of the body. These devices monitor the physiological state of the body, such as brain waves, skin temperature, muscle tension, heart rate and breathing. This information is due to the patient through signals, such as alarm sound or flashing light.

This feedback informs the patient to change or control physiological changes by changing thoughts, emotions or behavior. This in turn can help treat the condition that the patient is seeking to recover from. Biofeedback can identify the tight muscles that cause headaches.

The patient then learns how to cause positive physical changes in his body, such as relaxation of these specific muscles, to reduce pain. The ultimate goal of biofeedback is to learn how to use these techniques at home.

The usual biofeedback session lasts from 60 to 90 minutes. The length and number of sessions and how quickly to learn to control physical responses are determined by the situation. You may need at least 10 to 15 sessions, making them more expensive and time-consuming. Insurance may not cover biofeedback costs.

Biofeedback results
If the biofeedback is right for you, it may help to control the symptoms of your condition or reduce the amount of medication you are taking. Ultimately, you can practice the biofeedback techniques you learn yourself. However, you may need to continue to use standard treatment for your condition. Keep in mind that learning biofeedback can take some time and, if not covered by health insurance, may be costly.

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